Useful information about Cartagena de Indias

Many useful information are often important to answer at certain touristic demands concerning the city of Cartagena. We’ll constantly add informative texts over the theme or category that could satisfy better the tourists. These texts aren’t actualities, but are useful information that people always ask all the time.




List of touristic demands

Transport and routing


Physical and social conditions

Taxi fees


The temperature in Cartagena

Make a trip to Cartagena de Indias


The communication languages

The road traffic in Cartagena de Indias


The ambulant sellers

Trip inside of Colombia


Immigration formality and custom

Car rental in Cartagena de Indias


News about Cartagena de Indias

Vacations in Cartagena de Indias


The festivities and special days in Cartagena










Security and conflics


Food and beverage

Security in general in Cartagena de Indias


The gastronomy of Cartagena de Indias

The police and army in Cartagena de Indias



The politic and social situation of Cartagena



The violence in Cartagena de Indias









Finances and money


Living in Cartagena

Tip in Colombia doesn’t exist


The cost of life in Cartagena de Indias