The inquisition of Cartagena de Indias in 1610

It’s in 1610 that the king Philippe III introduced the penal court concerning the inquisition in Cartagena de Indias. The inquisition was created in 1223, and it’s the religious court that hade like goal to “save” from the anger influence and all of those against the catholic faith and to judge them as dignified beings. More than the application of justice in religious terms, it was a tool for the Spanish crown in sight of putting pressure and influence politics in all its sectors.

In reason of this particular from of judgement and condemnation of the guilty (torment, torture), the inquisition caused an enormous conflict in the mind of people by believing right, but so passionate in their work that they were sure to do right and by consequence, they abused of their investiture by committing atrocities in the name of religious ideas.

Many people in Cartagena have been tortured to obtain wishes, including hanging, the water bucket, the water drop, etc. One of the most punished crimes in Cartagena de Indias was witchcraft, because it was the fashion. The inquisition was applied in Cartagena de Indias until the revolution of November 11th 1811. But in 1816, it was returned with the pacificator Pablo Morillo and finally banished in 1821 by the patriotic army of Cartagena de Indias.




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